Indie Author Awareness

 One of the challenges I believe all independent / self-published authors face is awareness. There are literally hundreds of authors publishing fantastic novels and short-stories on a daily basis, posting updates, blogs, and free copies to entice a following. With so much activity occurring each and every second of the day, how does an author expand his/her reach? How does one make contact with the core customer an author seeks – the reader? This author has decided that attracting a fan base must include online and offline marketing efforts. To that end, through my private consulting company, I have decided to start promoting indie author book shows to connect author and reader.

Currently, I am nearing venue contract for a first New York based event that will provide authors an opportunity to reach actual readers. There will be several promotional opportunities available, from solo vendor booths to attended booths, show sponsorships, giveaways, and everything in between. The book show will be effectively promoted in advance to attract readers from across the NY Tri-State region (New York, Connecticut, New Jersey).

Stay tuned more information to come!